Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Moving Forward

Exciting news! (It is all exciting when we are moving, forward, isn´t it?)  Today we ordered another 75 laminas, along with the boards needed to complete several more kitchens. They should be delivered tomorrow, and next Sunday we will again go to Esquintla to deliver them to the community.

I can´t help but think over and over how perfectly everything is falling together, perfectly orchestrated. From the connections, the donations, and the latest, straight from the hand of God, out of a simple act of obedience, we have found an amazing driver willing to donate his truck and/or time to deliver everything!! Thank you, Omar, and thank you, Jesus!! :D

Even though the gofundme says we are only halfway to our monetary goal, we have actually met and PASSED our goal, thanks to private donations off of gofundme as well! Thank you so much to everyone who donated both on and offline!! Sincerely, it means the world to me and to so many others.

Since we started this volcano project, so many more needs have presented themselves. Even though we will never be able to help everyone, the cool thing about this is since we have a little extra money after the kitchen project is completed, we will be doing what we can to help a few projects: Continuing with the volcano victims, supporting young cancer patients in the city, clinic development in a rural community,  and rebuilding after a huge fire in a poverty-stricken area.  Even though we are not sure what this will look like yet, we will continue to visit the areas with needs and do what we can, where we can, with what we have.

(Photo borrowed from Guatemala Volcano Relief Community)

There are so many details that could be shared, and please feel free to message me for details or any questions you may have. I can not thank you enough for all the support and generosity for this project. 

As always, I will continue to update every step of the way, and if you would be willing to continue to share and spread the word, donations are still welcome, and I will do my very best  to use every dollar to impact the most people and bring joy where so little is to be found. 

You can donate in person (message me!) or on GoFundMe at Light Through The Fuego

Much love always, xoxo