The joy in my soul is a steady reminder that I am, without a
doubt, living my best life.

I keep waiting for it to go away, but it just doesn't. I wake up every morning, not believing that
this is my life. Not believing that every goal I made five years ago, every
dream I dreamed, is now reality. That all my hard work, determination, perseverance
paid off.

But here I am. On a rickety chicken bus smushed against the
window with five people and seven kids to my right. (Maybe not, but it feels
like it.) Definitely what I signed up for.

This weekend I took advantage of the money I had saved up
for travel and headed to Panajachel, a beautiful town on the edge of Lake
Atitlan under two lovely volcanos. I was tired of the hustle and bustle of
Antigua and needed to escape to some solitude, and it was perfect.

I went alone but headed across the lake to San Pedro where I
ran into a good friend I had met in Antigua and another new friend, and we
spent the day laughing and talking and exploring. But, in the evening I headed
back to my solitude, and in that aloness, was a mess of thoughts around one
topic specifically.

While the comment was probably the biggest compliment I could have received, it also broke my heart a million times, and its not an isolated comment. I don't go a few days before receiving others...
"You're so lucky."
"I can't believe you up and left."
"You're crazy."
"When are you coming home?"
"When are you going to stop living a fantasy and return
to real life."
"You're amazing, I could never do that."
"I can't even come visit, I have adult bills…"

Hold up, stop the music!! Let me grab the mic, and for the next few minutes I want to
encourage you all, while at the same time clearing up a few things that seem to
have gotten cloudy and grey in all this volcano ash.

"When passion meets determination, you become
A few years ago, I got this crazy idea in my head that I
wanted to travel to 25 countries by the time I turned 25. I planned out which
countries, I made a budget, I figured out how many hours I had to work to
achieve it...and I did it. Thirty-two countries before my 25th birthday.

Somewhere in those travels, I decided that the US was not where I wanted to be at this point in life, yet I was tired of the constant moving, meeting people and falling in love, just to say goodbye. So I decided that I was going to live in another country.

And I made absolutely no plan, I just booked a ticket on my credit card and figured I would figure it out when I arrived because I KNEW that’s what I wanted.

And I did. And I figured it out. And I'm okay. I am working,
playing, and paying off my debt despite a million people telling me I wouldn't
be able to while living in a third world country. I figured I could work and be
happy here, or work there and always wonder...So I just did it.
(All these guys are from Wisconsin too!)
But guys, I am no one special. I'm a painfully average girl
from the Midwest that loves Jesus, people, and cows. (And horses!)

The only difference?
I decided that nothing was going to stop me from getting where I wanted to go. Nothing. Not criticism, not doubters, not my insecurities, not lack of money, NOTHING.

We as humans do not realize the amount of power we hold in
our minds. I remember the day my life changed. It was the day I decided to
change my mindset. If you knew 16 year old me, you know, I was insecure,
unconfident, I hated myself, my body, life. I spent years wanting to die...but knowing,
“I don't want to die, I just know there is more to life."

So I changed my mindset. Only positive thoughts. Only I love life. I am happy. Only I am rich. I am successful. I am living my best life. I am beautiful. I am powerful. I believe that God can and will do abundantly more in me and through me than I could ever hope and imagine.

You have this power, too. Maybe you aren't going to travel
the world and live in another country at a base of an active volcano; maybe you
have a family and little babies that need you, but what do you want?? What do
you really want in this life? You know. You know what makes your heart come
alive. But maybe you have been beaten down by the lies of the status quo. The lies of
you need to do this or live this way or save money like this. But you can do
it. Make a dream. Make a goal. Make some steps. And make up your mind.

Yesterday, I headed for my second vacation in a weekend. I worked last night, but thanks to Dave Ramsey’s budgeting ideas, I had enough Qs to head to the beach, too. I just woke up like, I really don't want to stay in the city today.

So I packed my bags, hopped on a bus, met an incredible lady that I talked to for hours, rode three more busses, and arrived at the beach. A futbol game, some beers, more friends, pool, sunset, and a bonfire on the beach, and my soul is content and (almost) ready to head back to work.

It’s needed sometimes. Self-care. Alone time. Old friends
and familiar places. And my two jobs and constant human interaction wears me
out sometimes.

And all this magic is within a couple hours of my house.

And I don't plan to change a thing, for now. In the next five years, I have some pretty big goals, but for now I am content.

And I really, truly want you to be as well. Life is too short to not love what you do every single day. And if I can help you in any way, I'm all ears and practical advice.
So much love sent from me to you. Thank you for your love and unending support. You are powerful.